Imagine and Conceive
$ 27.00

"In refusing to think of the good, men began to imagine and conceive of things that do not exist" -St Athanasius of Alexandria

Premium Prints:

  • Hand-printed shirts (see garment details below) screen-printed by local business
  • Printed with discharge and plasticharge inks that dye the garment ensuring against cracking, peeling, and fading that happens with cheap print methods.

Details on Garment:

  • Airlume combed and ring-spun cotton with 2.5x fewer impurities than other cottons.
  • Side-seamed for a flattering fit.
  • Made under ethical working conditions in facilities certified by W.R.A.P.
  • Dyed exclusively with low-water dyes in bluesign ® certified, California-based facilities in accordance with the world's strictest environmental standards.
  • Click here for measurement specs